Consumer FAQs
We hope that the information here will answer the most commonly asked questions. We will update this page as and when we receive more queries – but please also like our Facebook page for more information.
Last updated: 04.04.2022
General questions about the new label
1. Why has the energy label changed?
New innovations in technology have led to products being much more efficient than they were 5-10 years ago. This means that they can no longer be measured on the same scale. The Energy Label scale has therefore been reset to more clearly show the difference in efficiency between today’s products.
2. What has changed on the new label?
The energy label scale has been reset to show more clearly the difference in efficiency between products sold today. Additionally, some labels now have new and better product information to make it easier to decide which product is best for you.
3. Will the label change again in the future?
The energy label scale has been reset so whilst in most cases best in class products will be B or C rated, average performing products are likely to be D rated or below. This leaves room in the future for more innovation, and for products to improve over time without the scale becoming out of date. It is estimated that the current scale is likely to be suitable for another 10 years, however the UK Government will review this on an ongoing basis to make sure the energy label continues to support consumers.
4. Have products become less efficient?
No, in fact new innovations in technology have led to products being much more efficient than they were 5-10 years ago.
5. Has the label changed because of Brexit?
No, the rescale of the energy label was agreed before the UK decided to leave the EU. Since then, experts have been working hard to make sure the new labels more clearly show the differences between products.
6. Why are we still using the energy label now we have left the EU?
The UK Government is committed to continuing to support consumers save energy through the purchase of efficient products. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy consulted with stakeholders to decide whether to continue with energy labelling following Brexit. It was agreed that the Energy Label is still a widely used and highly valuable tool to UK consumers, as the need for the public to have a clearer understanding of how energy efficient their chosen products are hasn’t changed.
About your products
1. When will I see the new label in store?
The new energy label for appliances and TVs has been in use from Monday 1 March 2021. Retailers had until Thursday 18 March to change the labels on relevant products in store and online. The new energy label for light sources has been in use from Wednesday 1 October 2021. Retailers have 18 months to change the labels on relevant products in store and online.
2. Why did my product come with two labels?
From Sunday 1 November 2020, manufacturers were required to place both versions of the label in product packaging. This dual labelling period took place until Monday 1 March 2021, after which only the new label should be used. This was to ensure that you had the correct information at the time of purchase.
3. Why do some products in store have the old label and some have the new label?
Some product categories - such as ovens - do not yet feature a new label. This is planned to happen later, depending on the results of the public consultations launched by the Government. For product categories that do have the new label - such as appliances and televisions – only products that the manufacturer continues to make need to be relabelled. Old models that had not been relabelled could still be sold until Wednesday 1 December 2021 after which they shouldn't be sold anymore.
4. Why is the new label not on all product types?
Whilst the energy label has been around for a long time, it is newer for some products than others. There are lots of products that now feature the energy label so the rescale needed to be prioritised to make sure that the first products to change were the ones that needed it most. We list the products approved for relabelling in Great Britain on this page.
5. I bought an ‘A+++’ rated appliance last year - what rating will it be on the new label?
The new energy label is now more accurate and more clearly shows how a product will perform at home - not just in test laboratory conditions. This means that different products that were previously rated A+++ may now have different energy ratings to each other. In most cases, the majority of ‘best in class’ products will now be rated or C or lower.